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  Volvo C70
List of Products

  • Framvagn
    - Wish bone bushings
    - Subframe bushings
  • Transmission
    - Bushings top engine mount
    - Bushings gearbox mount
  •   Wish bone bushings version C70

    Bushings for your front wish bones on Volvo X70. These are unique in stiffness and quality. Stiffness to be compared with balljoints and are developed with racing or active driving in mind, where keeping the correct wheel geometry under heavy loads are essential. Greatly improves stearing respons which makes turn in and finding apex easier. Gives that Go-Cart like feeling. Heavily reduces wheel bounce when accelerating.

    Price: 1795 SEK

      Subframe bushings

    Produced with our extremly stiff plastic material with metal core. Developed with racing or active driving in mind. Keeps the whole subframe into place, and prevents it from moving around during heavy loads.

    Price: 995 SEK

    Assembly information

      Bushings top engine mount

    These bushings replaces both rubber bushings on the top engine mount. Manufactured from our extremely stiff plastic bushing material! Please take note there's a big risk of increased engine sound in the cabin, especially during accelerations.

    Price: 345 SEK

    Assembly information

    Product information

      Bushings gearbox mount

    Bushings for the gearbox mount. Failure of the original bushings are fairly common, especially on tuned cars.

    Price: 435 SEK